Art Vision has organized the 16th Sangam festival on line on the 7th-8th-9th of November 2020. The first two days was a retrospective of four choreographies presented in the previous years and the third day Art Vision presented three new items recently composed, Pallavi, Anyaaya, Sparsh.
The program was premiered on:
Art Vision Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/artvisionindia and on Youtube channel:
https://bit.ly/2GA6LYO Here are the individual links on Youtube:
Maya Darpana -
https://youtu.be/x8kR3o6O7y0Kaala -
https://youtu.be/ED2PCummjRefugee -
https://youtu.be/B9eGq4WWkOIMeghadootam -
https://youtu.be/pUmawkGK0SAPallavi/Anyaaya/Sparsh -